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Why Data Backup?

So you’re a small business owner trying to stay afloat in these crazy volatile times. It’s tough, isn’t it! If you’re like most of our clients, you’ve got a limited budget and even less time to invest in staying ahead of the many disruptors that can impact business today.


One of the biggest risks you’re likely to encounter is a cybersecurity attack. In fact, over 60% of small to medium-sized businesses experiences a cyber-attack each year.


By the time you finish reading this page, you’ll be equipped with a reliable and cost-effective strategy for mitigating that risk. 

Our Services

Running a small to
medium-sized business?

Here’s why a quality data backup solution is the smartest cybersecurity investment you can make. 

There’s a concept in cybersecurity known as the CIA Triad. This acronym stands for: 

  • Confidentiality (the privacy of your data), 

  • Integrity (the accuracy of your data)

  • Availability (whether or not you can actually access your data).

Now, a large company with shareholders, high visibility, and enormous network complexity will sink millions of dollars into all three. A company of this size will probably have an around-the-clock team monitoring for the first hint of suspicious activity. 

This is great if you can afford it, but to be brutally honest, most small businesses can’t. Paying for a service of this scope is just completely cost-prohibitive for small business owners. 

At ArannTech, we take a different approach. Instead of selling you a kitchen sink solution, we’ll work with you to hone right in on the most important tip of that CIA triad: Data availability.

Why is data availability the key for smaller businesses?

Because as a small operation, your greatest enemy isn’t going to be an intrusion or data manipulation by sophisticated operators.


  • It’s disruption to your data availability. 

  • It’s a piece of ransomware that locks your sales team out of their terminals. 

  • It’s a corrupted hard drive with ten years of customer data filed away on it. 

  • It’s a basic piece of malware that one of your staff accidentally introduced to your system when they opened a suspicious email.

The moment something like this goes wrong, you’re battling the clock to get back to normal business operation. And with each passing minute, you’re losing customers, losing sales. Close to half of businesses affected by a cyberattack experience at least one full week of lost business. Some loss of data can persist for months, or even be permanent. 

With ArannTech’s data recovery and business continuity plan, you all but eliminate the risk of significant data loss, and at only a fraction of the exorbitant cost that a big-business solution will impose on your bottom line. 

ArannTech’s data recovery and business continuity plan gives you:

An affordable solution

Close to 85% of SMBs aren’t financially capable of fully protecting their business from attack. Even if you pay an enormous amount for a comprehensive security solution it can still fail. By investing in a bullet-proof data backup solution you’re putting your money where it can have the most impact. Moreover, you’re investing in protecting a valuable asset without massive and ongoing maintenance costs. 

Greater data resilience

A data backup solution means you can shut down ransomware and other data-focused attacks completely. You can recover seamlessly without having to deal with ransom demands or repairing corrupted files. Our solution also protects you from disgruntled staff or operator error.

Faster system recovery

Something bad happens to your data at one terminal? Swiftly transfer to another. We can get you started close to where you left off in under an hour. Fully recover from a full-blown cyberattack or catastrophic hardware failure in under 24 hours.

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Keep your data safe with ArannTech

As a small or medium-sized business you only have so much to spend on cybersecurity, so spend it where you get the most value. Invest in a data backup solution to recover quickly and reliably from data loss.

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